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WISNOTS is divided into several main areas that allow users to use the platform in a variety of ways. Here is a brief explanation of the main areas:
This area is the personal core of WISNOTS. Here you can see posts from friends and other users, like and view posts. You can also see your own profile, manage your personal information and select the posts you want to share in your feed.
In this section you'll find a variety of media content shared by other users. Here you can discover videos, images, articles, and more. You can also add content to your own feed to showcase your interests.
On the "Saved" page, you can save posts that you want to view again later. You can save content to make it easier to find again. This is useful if you want to save certain posts for later.
With the profile search you can search for other users and their profiles. You can search for friends and acquaintances or for users who have similar interests. This allows you to make new connections on the platform.


The "+Social" button allows you to add media content to your personal feed. By tapping this button you can share videos, images, articles or other interesting content from the "Media" tab to your own feed.
When you click Save, the content is saved to your personal space on the Saved page. This allows you to easily find and organize content that you want to view again later.
When you click Save, the content is saved to your personal space on the Saved page. This allows you to easily find and organize content that you want to view again later.

Adding posts to the timeline in the social area

Go to the Media Tab: Open the Media Tab and find the post you want. If the post is not available, add a link.

Add to Timeline: Select the post you want to add by highlighting or clicking on it. Then click the "Add" button. This will place the post in your personal timeline in the social tab.
+ Social
The "+Social" button allows you to add media content to your personal feed. By tapping this button you can share videos, images, articles or other interesting content from the "Media" tab to your own feed.
What is WISNOTS?
What is WISNOTS?

What is WISNOTS?

How can I add a link?
How can I add a link?

How can I add a link?