Former President Barack Obama sat down with The Verge’s editor-in-chief and Decoder host Nilay Patel to talk about AI, social networks, and how to think about democracy as both of those things collide. The conversation, which took place just hours after President Joe Biden signed his executive order on AI, covers some of today’s biggest issues in tech and policy. Of course, we also had to ask Obama what apps he has on his homescreen. #AI #Technology #Podcast

Obama on AI, free speech, and the future of the internet

Former President Barack Obama sat down with The Verge’s editor-in-chief and Decoder host Nilay Patel to talk about AI, social networks, and how to think about democracy as both of those things collide. The conversation, which took place just hours after President Joe Biden signed his executive order on AI, covers some of today’s biggest issues in tech and policy. Of course, we also had to ask Obama what apps he has on his homescreen. #AI #Technology #Podcast

Obama on AI, free speech, and the future of the internet

Former President Barack Obama sat down with The Verge’s editor-in-chief and Decoder host Nilay Patel to talk about AI, social networks, and how to think about democracy as both of those things collide. The conversation, which took place just hours after President Joe Biden signed his executive order on AI, covers some of today’s biggest issues in tech and policy. Of course, we also had to ask Obama what apps he has on his homescreen. #AI #Technology #Podcast

Obama on AI, free speech, and the future of the internet

Former President Barack Obama sat down with The Verge’s editor-in-chief and Decoder host Nilay Patel to talk about AI, social networks, and how to think about democracy as both of those things collide. The conversation, which took place just hours after President Joe Biden signed his executive order on AI, covers some of today’s biggest issues in tech and policy. Of course, we also had to ask Obama what apps he has on his homescreen. #AI #Technology #Podcast
WePresent Interface

WePresent Interface

Really Nice interfacce

WePresent Interface

Really Nice interfacce
Interfaces of Instagram Reimagined

Interfaces of Instagram Reimagined


Interfaces of Instagram Reimagined

AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever

AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever

Reminder: It’s only been 1 YEAR since the Will Smith eating spaghetti video

AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever

Reminder: It’s only been 1 YEAR since the Will Smith eating spaghetti video
Revealing my banker salary

Revealing my banker salary

Revealing my banker salary

Figure AI

Figure AI

Figure is the first-of-its-kind AI robotics company bringing a general purpose humanoid to life.

Figure AI

Figure is the first-of-its-kind AI robotics company bringing a general purpose humanoid to life.
How Spotify’s AI-Driven Recommendations Work | WSJ Tech Behind

How Spotify’s AI-Driven Recommendations Work | WSJ Tech Behind

Spotify is the leader in music streaming, thanks in part to its AI-driven recommendation algorithm. But how do playlists like ‘Discover Weekly’ know you well enough to show you a personalized collection of new music? Here’s an inside look at how the platform uses machine learning technology to customize several aspects of a user’s experience.

How Spotify’s AI-Driven Recommendations Work | WSJ Tech Behind

Spotify is the leader in music streaming, thanks in part to its AI-driven recommendation algorithm. But how do playlists like ‘Discover Weekly’ know you well enough to show you a personalized collection of new music? Here’s an inside look at how the platform uses machine learning technology to customize several aspects of a user’s experience.
Daniel Kaluuya on Why You Should Reject Otjers Opinions

Daniel Kaluuya on Why You Should Reject Otjers Opinions

In this conversation, Daniel looks back on the challenges he faced as a Black aspiring actor, the frustration felt when his experience was invalidated, and the prejudiced nature of Hollywood. We learn about the creative spark behind his directorial debut "The Kitchen" and his firm belief that one's potential to realize a dream is not dictated by the opinions of others.

Daniel Kaluuya on Why You Should Reject Otjers Opinions

In this conversation, Daniel looks back on the challenges he faced as a Black aspiring actor, the frustration felt when his experience was invalidated, and the prejudiced nature of Hollywood. We learn about the creative spark behind his directorial debut "The Kitchen" and his firm belief that one's potential to realize a dream is not dictated by the opinions of others.
OpenAI DevDay: Opening Keynote

OpenAI DevDay: Opening Keynote

Join us for the opening keynote from OpenAI DevDay — OpenAI’s first developer conference. We’re gathering developers from around the world for an in-person day of programming to learn about the latest AI advancements and explore what lies ahead.

OpenAI DevDay: Opening Keynote

Join us for the opening keynote from OpenAI DevDay — OpenAI’s first developer conference. We’re gathering developers from around the world for an in-person day of programming to learn about the latest AI advancements and explore what lies ahead.
“This might be the last hard thing I ever do” | Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates

“This might be the last hard thing I ever do” | Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates

If you ask people to name leaders in artificial intelligence, there’s one name you’ll probably hear more than any other: Sam Altman. His team at OpenAI is pushing the boundaries of what AI can do with ChatGPT, and I loved getting to talk to him about what’s next on the sixth episode of my podcast, Unconfuse Me. Our conversation covered why today’s AI models are the stupidest they’ll ever be, how societies adapt to technological change, and even where humanity will find purpose once we’ve perfected artificial intelligence. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more at

“This might be the last hard thing I ever do” | Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates

If you ask people to name leaders in artificial intelligence, there’s one name you’ll probably hear more than any other: Sam Altman. His team at OpenAI is pushing the boundaries of what AI can do with ChatGPT, and I loved getting to talk to him about what’s next on the sixth episode of my podcast, Unconfuse Me. Our conversation covered why today’s AI models are the stupidest they’ll ever be, how societies adapt to technological change, and even where humanity will find purpose once we’ve perfected artificial intelligence. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more at
Über die GND

Über die GND

Der Film wendet sich an Menschen aus Kultur- und Forschungseinrichtungen, die mit Datenbanken arbeiten oder sich mit Datenerfassung beschäftigen und sich für die Normdaten interessieren. Er informiert über den dualen Charakter der Gemeinsamen Normdatei (GND) als Datensammlung von Normdaten für Kultur und Forschung und als Organisationsstruktur für Institutionen, die an der Gestaltung der GND mitwirken. Er thematisiert auch die Einbindung der GND auf beiden Ebenen in internationale Zusammenhänge. Mehr über die GND und ihre Angebote erfahren Sie auf unserer Website "GND.Network": Alle auf den eingeblendeten Folien gezeigten Links verweisen auf die Website GND.Network. Die beiden Sprecherinnen sind Chantal Köppl und Barbara Fischer. Sie arbeiten beide an der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek an der Öffnung der GND für Museen, Archive und Forschungseinrichtungen in der Arbeitsstelle für Standardisierung.

Über die GND

Der Film wendet sich an Menschen aus Kultur- und Forschungseinrichtungen, die mit Datenbanken arbeiten oder sich mit Datenerfassung beschäftigen und sich für die Normdaten interessieren. Er informiert über den dualen Charakter der Gemeinsamen Normdatei (GND) als Datensammlung von Normdaten für Kultur und Forschung und als Organisationsstruktur für Institutionen, die an der Gestaltung der GND mitwirken. Er thematisiert auch die Einbindung der GND auf beiden Ebenen in internationale Zusammenhänge. Mehr über die GND und ihre Angebote erfahren Sie auf unserer Website "GND.Network": Alle auf den eingeblendeten Folien gezeigten Links verweisen auf die Website GND.Network. Die beiden Sprecherinnen sind Chantal Köppl und Barbara Fischer. Sie arbeiten beide an der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek an der Öffnung der GND für Museen, Archive und Forschungseinrichtungen in der Arbeitsstelle für Standardisierung.
Der GND Explorer wird das neue Anzeige- und Recherchetool für die Gemeinsame Normdatei!

Der GND Explorer wird das neue Anzeige- und Recherchetool für die Gemeinsame Normdatei!

Der GND Explorer soll zukünftig allen Anwender*innen einen komfortablen und gleichzeitig umfassenden Zugang zur GND sowie ihrem semantischen Netz bieten. Die vorliegende Version des GND Explorers wird in drei Sprachen angeboten und lädt zum Explorieren in der GND ein. Enthalten sind GND-Entitäten und ihre Verknüpfungen untereinander. Die Suche in der GND wird vollumfänglich unterstützt und durch eine Autosuggest-Funktion sowie durch diverse Filtermöglichkeiten erleichtert. Die dem GND Explorer zugrundeliegenden Daten werden zurzeit monatlich aktualisiert.

Der GND Explorer wird das neue Anzeige- und Recherchetool für die Gemeinsame Normdatei!

Der GND Explorer soll zukünftig allen Anwender*innen einen komfortablen und gleichzeitig umfassenden Zugang zur GND sowie ihrem semantischen Netz bieten. Die vorliegende Version des GND Explorers wird in drei Sprachen angeboten und lädt zum Explorieren in der GND ein. Enthalten sind GND-Entitäten und ihre Verknüpfungen untereinander. Die Suche in der GND wird vollumfänglich unterstützt und durch eine Autosuggest-Funktion sowie durch diverse Filtermöglichkeiten erleichtert. Die dem GND Explorer zugrundeliegenden Daten werden zurzeit monatlich aktualisiert.
How to kickstart and scale a consumer business—Step 4: Find your early adopters by doing things that don’t scale

How to kickstart and scale a consumer business—Step 4: Find your early adopters by doing things that don’t scale

Welcome to part four (maybe my favorite!) of our six-part series on kickstarting and scaling a consumer business. At this point, you have your startup idea, a good sense of your super-specific who, and a hook. In this post, we bring it all together to go find your first 1,000 users.

How to kickstart and scale a consumer business—Step 4: Find your early adopters by doing things that don’t scale

Welcome to part four (maybe my favorite!) of our six-part series on kickstarting and scaling a consumer business. At this point, you have your startup idea, a good sense of your super-specific who, and a hook. In this post, we bring it all together to go find your first 1,000 users.
Thinc Iowa: Ben Silbermann of Pinterest

Thinc Iowa: Ben Silbermann of Pinterest

Ben Silbermann grew up in Des Moines and went to Roosevelt High School. He then moved across the country twice: first to Connecticut and then to California to work for Google. Two years ago he founded Pinterest with his friends Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. Pinterest lets you organize and share your Favorited things by pinning them onto virtual pin boards. Millions of people use Pinterest to discover recipes to cook, products to buy, and places to visit. Pinterest is funded by some of Silicon Valley's most successful entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.

Thinc Iowa: Ben Silbermann of Pinterest

Ben Silbermann grew up in Des Moines and went to Roosevelt High School. He then moved across the country twice: first to Connecticut and then to California to work for Google. Two years ago he founded Pinterest with his friends Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. Pinterest lets you organize and share your Favorited things by pinning them onto virtual pin boards. Millions of people use Pinterest to discover recipes to cook, products to buy, and places to visit. Pinterest is funded by some of Silicon Valley's most successful entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.
Steve Jobs: We don't ship junk

Steve Jobs: We don't ship junk

Steve Jobs responds to a question from Molly Wood of CNET and Buzz Out Loud Podcast. Steve's answer defines Apple's product strategy.

Steve Jobs: We don't ship junk

Steve Jobs responds to a question from Molly Wood of CNET and Buzz Out Loud Podcast. Steve's answer defines Apple's product strategy.
Ben Silbermann at Startup School SV 2016

Ben Silbermann at Startup School SV 2016

Ben Silbermann explain more about Pinterest

Ben Silbermann at Startup School SV 2016

Ben Silbermann explain more about Pinterest
Ben Silbermann (Pinterest) at Startup Grind Silicon Valley

Ben Silbermann (Pinterest) at Startup Grind Silicon Valley

Ben is the Founder of Pinterest. Love Pinterest ❤️

Ben Silbermann (Pinterest) at Startup Grind Silicon Valley

Ben is the Founder of Pinterest. Love Pinterest ❤️
Apple wants to train its AI with $50 million worth of licensed news articles

Apple wants to train its AI with $50 million worth of licensed news articles

Apple wants to train its AI with $50 million worth of licensed news articles

The future of Social Media 2023

The future of Social Media 2023

I think we are on the right track with building it. I just want the service to be wonderful.

The future of Social Media 2023

I think we are on the right track with building it. I just want the service to be wonderful.
Fridayy Talks Getting Into Music, Being Discovered By DJ Khaled; 'God Did Growing Up In Church & How It Influences Him

Fridayy Talks Getting Into Music, Being Discovered By DJ Khaled; 'God Did Growing Up In Church & How It Influences Him

Philly artist, Fridayy is living his wildest dream as an artist after 10 years of trusting his talent and building his craft. Popularly known for his vocals on DJ Khaled's 'God Did', Fridayy is currently climbing the charts with his feature on Lil Baby's single 'Forever'. Fridayy's EP 'Lost in Melody' is only the surface of what you'll soon hear on his debut album.

Fridayy Talks Getting Into Music, Being Discovered By DJ Khaled; 'God Did Growing Up In Church & How It Influences Him

Philly artist, Fridayy is living his wildest dream as an artist after 10 years of trusting his talent and building his craft. Popularly known for his vocals on DJ Khaled's 'God Did', Fridayy is currently climbing the charts with his feature on Lil Baby's single 'Forever'. Fridayy's EP 'Lost in Melody' is only the surface of what you'll soon hear on his debut album.
57 Years Apart - A Boy And a Man Talk About Life

57 Years Apart - A Boy And a Man Talk About Life

Act normal, don’t be silly, don’t bully lots of people'

57 Years Apart - A Boy And a Man Talk About Life

Act normal, don’t be silly, don’t bully lots of people'
OpenAI: Inside the Battle for the Startup's Soul

OpenAI: Inside the Battle for the Startup's Soul

Sam Altman’s firing by OpenAI’s board shook the artificial intelligence industry. It also laid bare the swirling conflict at the heart of the lucrative sector. On one side is a group deeply concerned about AI’s destructive potential, while on the other is a more market-oriented faction that wants to accelerate innovation. And looming in the background is Microsoft, the tech giant that’s invested billions of dollars in OpenAI. With Altman’s rehiring, it might seem apparent which group won out.

OpenAI: Inside the Battle for the Startup's Soul

Sam Altman’s firing by OpenAI’s board shook the artificial intelligence industry. It also laid bare the swirling conflict at the heart of the lucrative sector. On one side is a group deeply concerned about AI’s destructive potential, while on the other is a more market-oriented faction that wants to accelerate innovation. And looming in the background is Microsoft, the tech giant that’s invested billions of dollars in OpenAI. With Altman’s rehiring, it might seem apparent which group won out.
Driving Tesla Cybertruck: Everything You Need to Know!

Driving Tesla Cybertruck: Everything You Need to Know!

I must say this is really something different.

Driving Tesla Cybertruck: Everything You Need to Know!

I must say this is really something different.
You gotta look at UBER‘s way of expansion - love it! ❤️

You gotta look at UBER‘s way of expansion - love it! ❤️

You‘re not punished for failing you are punished for not trying.

You gotta look at UBER‘s way of expansion - love it! ❤️

You‘re not punished for failing you are punished for not trying.
Giveon "Lie Again" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified

Giveon "Lie Again" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified

“Lie Again” is Giveon’s latest hit, which has been streamed over four million times on Spotify to date. The song is produced by Don Mills (Producer) and off his upcoming album 'Give or Take.' On today’s episode of Verified, watch the Long Beach native explain the motivation behind the song.

Giveon "Lie Again" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified

“Lie Again” is Giveon’s latest hit, which has been streamed over four million times on Spotify to date. The song is produced by Don Mills (Producer) and off his upcoming album 'Give or Take.' On today’s episode of Verified, watch the Long Beach native explain the motivation behind the song.
Apple CEO Tim Cook on what it takes to run the world's largest company | Dua Lipa: At Your Service

Apple CEO Tim Cook on what it takes to run the world's largest company | Dua Lipa: At Your Service

In a rare podcast appearance, Apple CEO Tim Cook joins Dua Lipa to dive into the profound impact of artificial intelligence, the ever-evolving tech landscape and their response to climate change. Join Dua as she discovers Tim’s personal journey, from his life growing up to his philanthropic endeavours, as well as his perspective on tackling global challenges. Throughout this inspiring conversation, Dua and Tim explore the intersection between creativity, leadership and innovation. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, aspiring leader, or curious about the influence of technology on society, this episode offers a unique glimpse behind the scenes of running the world’s largest and most valuable company. To get in touch, email us at – and if you’re enjoying the show, make sure to subscribe to be the first to hear about new episodes of Dua Lipa: At Your Service.

Apple CEO Tim Cook on what it takes to run the world's largest company | Dua Lipa: At Your Service

In a rare podcast appearance, Apple CEO Tim Cook joins Dua Lipa to dive into the profound impact of artificial intelligence, the ever-evolving tech landscape and their response to climate change. Join Dua as she discovers Tim’s personal journey, from his life growing up to his philanthropic endeavours, as well as his perspective on tackling global challenges. Throughout this inspiring conversation, Dua and Tim explore the intersection between creativity, leadership and innovation. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, aspiring leader, or curious about the influence of technology on society, this episode offers a unique glimpse behind the scenes of running the world’s largest and most valuable company. To get in touch, email us at – and if you’re enjoying the show, make sure to subscribe to be the first to hear about new episodes of Dua Lipa: At Your Service.
Microsoft hires ex-OpenAI leaders Altman and Brockman to lead new AI group

Microsoft hires ex-OpenAI leaders Altman and Brockman to lead new AI group

Microsoft has hired OpenAI co-founders Sam Altman and Greg Brockman to head up a “new advanced AI research team,” the software conglomerate’s chief Satya Nadella said Monday, capping three days of intense discussions following the unexpected decision by OpenAI’s board to dismiss Altman.

Microsoft hires ex-OpenAI leaders Altman and Brockman to lead new AI group

Microsoft has hired OpenAI co-founders Sam Altman and Greg Brockman to head up a “new advanced AI research team,” the software conglomerate’s chief Satya Nadella said Monday, capping three days of intense discussions following the unexpected decision by OpenAI’s board to dismiss Altman.
Plötzliches Aus für Altman: Chef von KI-Firma hinter ChatGPT gefeuert

Plötzliches Aus für Altman: Chef von KI-Firma hinter ChatGPT gefeuert

Die Firma OpenAI, die die künstliche Intelligenz ChatGPT entwickelt hat, trennt sich überraschend von ihrem Mitgründer und Chef, Sam Altman.

Plötzliches Aus für Altman: Chef von KI-Firma hinter ChatGPT gefeuert

Die Firma OpenAI, die die künstliche Intelligenz ChatGPT entwickelt hat, trennt sich überraschend von ihrem Mitgründer und Chef, Sam Altman.
Albert Einstein Relativitätstheorie

Albert Einstein Relativitätstheorie

Albert Einstein Relativitätstheorie

Albert Einstein Relativitätstheorie

Albert Einstein Relativitätstheorie
Mark Cuban and Kevin Hart Can't Believe They Passed This Multibillion-Dollar Company

Mark Cuban and Kevin Hart Can't Believe They Passed This Multibillion-Dollar Company

Mark Cuban shares the origins of Shark Tank, discussing his audition for the show and initially doubting its longevity, but ultimately found joy in helping entrepreneurs. Then, Mark candidly reveals that Spike Ball was his biggest missed opportunity on Shark Tank. (Season 3 Episode 6).

Mark Cuban and Kevin Hart Can't Believe They Passed This Multibillion-Dollar Company

Mark Cuban shares the origins of Shark Tank, discussing his audition for the show and initially doubting its longevity, but ultimately found joy in helping entrepreneurs. Then, Mark candidly reveals that Spike Ball was his biggest missed opportunity on Shark Tank. (Season 3 Episode 6).
Neuroscientist Answers Illusion Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Neuroscientist Answers Illusion Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Pascal Wallisch, NYU Professor of Psychology and Data Science, answers the internet's burning questions about illusions. What is motion-induced blindness? How do mirages happen? What's the explanation for "The Dress"? How did they make the Tupac hologram? Pascal answers all these questions and much more!

Neuroscientist Answers Illusion Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Pascal Wallisch, NYU Professor of Psychology and Data Science, answers the internet's burning questions about illusions. What is motion-induced blindness? How do mirages happen? What's the explanation for "The Dress"? How did they make the Tupac hologram? Pascal answers all these questions and much more!
How Black Lives Truly Matter | Magatte Wade | EP 271

How Black Lives Truly Matter | Magatte Wade | EP 271

Magatte Wade is a serial entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and visionary business leader with a passion for creating positive change in Africa. She is the founder and CEO of, “the lip balm with a mission,” and is dedicated to reducing racial discrimination while creating jobs and prosperity in her home country of Senegal. Magatte joins Dr Peterson to discuss her emigration from the third world, and how this influenced her unmitigated belief in capitalism and the free market.

How Black Lives Truly Matter | Magatte Wade | EP 271

Magatte Wade is a serial entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and visionary business leader with a passion for creating positive change in Africa. She is the founder and CEO of, “the lip balm with a mission,” and is dedicated to reducing racial discrimination while creating jobs and prosperity in her home country of Senegal. Magatte joins Dr Peterson to discuss her emigration from the third world, and how this influenced her unmitigated belief in capitalism and the free market.
Former CIA Chief of Disguise Answers Spy Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Former CIA Chief of Disguise Answers Spy Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Jonna Mendez, former CIA Chief of Disguise, answers the internet's burning questions about spying. How many CIA assets are in Ukraine right now? Do spies get acting lessons? How do spies get recruited? Do spies get to choose their own code names? Jonna answers all these questions and much more!

Former CIA Chief of Disguise Answers Spy Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Jonna Mendez, former CIA Chief of Disguise, answers the internet's burning questions about spying. How many CIA assets are in Ukraine right now? Do spies get acting lessons? How do spies get recruited? Do spies get to choose their own code names? Jonna answers all these questions and much more!