Most of us assume those superachievers who are always able to squeeze in their workout, eat healthy foods, ace their exams and pick their kids up on time must have superhuman self-control. But science points to a different answer: What we mistake for willpower is often a hallmark of habit. - ...

How to build a habit in 5 steps, according to science

Most of us assume those superachievers who are always able to squeeze in their workout, eat healthy foods, ace their exams and pick their kids up on time must have superhuman self-control. But science points to a different answer: What we mistake for willpower is often a hallmark of habit. - ...

How to build a habit in 5 steps, according to science

Most of us assume those superachievers who are always able to squeeze in their workout, eat healthy foods, ace their exams and pick their kids up on time must have superhuman self-control. But science points to a different answer: What we mistake for willpower is often a hallmark of habit. - ...

How to build a habit in 5 steps, according to science

Most of us assume those superachievers who are always able to squeeze in their workout, eat healthy foods, ace their exams and pick their kids up on time must have superhuman self-control. But science points to a different answer: What we mistake for willpower is often a hallmark of habit. - ...
Self Care Tips

Self Care Tips


Self Care Tips

6 ways to give that aren’t about money

6 ways to give that aren’t about money

Good news: You can be a generous person without writing a bunch of checks. Let’s start đŸ«‚

6 ways to give that aren’t about money

Good news: You can be a generous person without writing a bunch of checks. Let’s start đŸ«‚
Artist are simple people with a complex mind.

Artist are simple people with a complex mind.

The Bag Lady.

Artist are simple people with a complex mind.

The Bag Lady.
How To Write A To Do List That You'll Actually Stick To

How To Write A To Do List That You'll Actually Stick To

We’ve all fallen into the trap of trying to do too much at once – a bad habit we like to call “multitasking.” We sit at our desks with the intention of getting on with an important project but decide to fire off a quick email before getting started. Next thing we know, we’ve spent thirty minutes going back and forth with the recipient,...

How To Write A To Do List That You'll Actually Stick To

We’ve all fallen into the trap of trying to do too much at once – a bad habit we like to call “multitasking.” We sit at our desks with the intention of getting on with an important project but decide to fire off a quick email before getting started. Next thing we know, we’ve spent thirty minutes going back and forth with the recipient,...
Rick Rubin Shares His Secrets for Creativity

Rick Rubin Shares His Secrets for Creativity

Rick Rubin is a master of creativity and collaboration. Here, Rick sits down with Joe Rogan to share lessons and stories from his upcoming book, The Creative Act: A Way of Being. (available here: In this interview, Rick Rubin reveals how to make great art, become a better collaborator, and discover ideas floating through the universe. Hope you enjoy. Please leave a comment if anything resonates.

Rick Rubin Shares His Secrets for Creativity

Rick Rubin is a master of creativity and collaboration. Here, Rick sits down with Joe Rogan to share lessons and stories from his upcoming book, The Creative Act: A Way of Being. (available here: In this interview, Rick Rubin reveals how to make great art, become a better collaborator, and discover ideas floating through the universe. Hope you enjoy. Please leave a comment if anything resonates.
Four Sides Model

Four Sides Model

Kommunikation mĂŒsste doch eigentlich sehr einfach sein. Wir sagen etwas und unser GegenĂŒber nimmt es genau so auf. Doch im echten Leben, egal ob im Beruf oder im Alltag, ist das nicht immer der Fall. Denn oftmals sprechen wir Dinge nicht aus, die...

Four Sides Model

Kommunikation mĂŒsste doch eigentlich sehr einfach sein. Wir sagen etwas und unser GegenĂŒber nimmt es genau so auf. Doch im echten Leben, egal ob im Beruf oder im Alltag, ist das nicht immer der Fall. Denn oftmals sprechen wir Dinge nicht aus, die...
How to Get Rich

How to Get Rich

Money holds power over us — but it doesn't have to. Finance expert Ramit Sethi works with people across the US to help them achieve their richest lives.

How to Get Rich

Money holds power over us — but it doesn't have to. Finance expert Ramit Sethi works with people across the US to help them achieve their richest lives.
How I use Notion to organize my school life

How I use Notion to organize my school life

In this video, I tour my updated Notion database for 2022 and explain how I use Notion to organize my studies. I designed it specifically for students! It plans a schedule moving forward, but it also helps track of my reviews so I know what to study at all times. Enjoy!

How I use Notion to organize my school life

In this video, I tour my updated Notion database for 2022 and explain how I use Notion to organize my studies. I designed it specifically for students! It plans a schedule moving forward, but it also helps track of my reviews so I know what to study at all times. Enjoy!
Blackmirror Cover

Blackmirror Cover

Die unabhĂ€ngigen einzelnen Zukunftsvisionen erzĂ€hlen von einem dĂŒsteren Leben der Menschheit im Technologiezeitalter. Die AbhĂ€ngigkeit und die PrĂ€gung von moderner Technik sowie der negativen Auswirkungen durch sie stehen dabei im Fokus.

Blackmirror Cover

Die unabhĂ€ngigen einzelnen Zukunftsvisionen erzĂ€hlen von einem dĂŒsteren Leben der Menschheit im Technologiezeitalter. Die AbhĂ€ngigkeit und die PrĂ€gung von moderner Technik sowie der negativen Auswirkungen durch sie stehen dabei im Fokus.
Why we say “OK”

Why we say “OK”

How a cheesy joke from the 1830s became the most widely spoken word in the world.

Why we say “OK”

How a cheesy joke from the 1830s became the most widely spoken word in the world.
How did pink become a girly color?

How did pink become a girly color?

Jennifer Wright explains how the color pink became associated with girls.

How did pink become a girly color?

Jennifer Wright explains how the color pink became associated with girls.
Graduation Part 2

Graduation Part 2

Abi 2024

Graduation Part 2

Abi 2024



What's the point of Instagram for personal users?

What's the point of Instagram for personal users?

What's the point of Instagram for personal users?



Its that time of the year to set your goals and get them done for real!


Its that time of the year to set your goals and get them done for real!
New era of me

New era of me

New era of me

2024 ✔

2024 ✔

2024 ✔





Hassliebe zu Evernote

Hassliebe zu Evernote

Hassliebe zu Evernote

Self Care Motivation

Self Care Motivation

Reset routine, hygiene, deep cleaning, cooking đŸ«§

Self Care Motivation

Reset routine, hygiene, deep cleaning, cooking đŸ«§
Becoming takes time

Becoming takes time

It’s a process. Patience is the key 🔑

Becoming takes time

It’s a process. Patience is the key 🔑
Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

What do you think ? đŸ€” I like

Emotional Intelligence

What do you think ? đŸ€” I like
Rich Dad Poor Dad

Rich Dad Poor Dad

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki is an extraordinary book that can truly change your perspective on money, wealth, and financial literacy. This insightful and empowering read presents invaluable lessons that the rich teach their children about money, contrasting it with the mindset and beliefs commonly held by the poor and middle class.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki is an extraordinary book that can truly change your perspective on money, wealth, and financial literacy. This insightful and empowering read presents invaluable lessons that the rich teach their children about money, contrasting it with the mindset and beliefs commonly held by the poor and middle class.
Becoming who You are created to Be | Charled Metfcalf |The Basement

Becoming who You are created to Be | Charled Metfcalf |The Basement

Charles Metcalf | The Basement w- Tim Ross #035

Becoming who You are created to Be | Charled Metfcalf |The Basement

Charles Metcalf | The Basement w- Tim Ross #035
Step Up Your Money : Financial Glow Ups, Embracing Broke Seasons and Getting Comfortable With Cash

Step Up Your Money : Financial Glow Ups, Embracing Broke Seasons and Getting Comfortable With Cash

Getting your finances together and cultivating a healthy relationship with money is an integral part of the glowing and growing journey! In today’s episode, the sisters talk all things jobs, aligning your goals with your money, and how to ensure you’re getting the best use of your money as a sister.

Step Up Your Money : Financial Glow Ups, Embracing Broke Seasons and Getting Comfortable With Cash

Getting your finances together and cultivating a healthy relationship with money is an integral part of the glowing and growing journey! In today’s episode, the sisters talk all things jobs, aligning your goals with your money, and how to ensure you’re getting the best use of your money as a sister.
Master your Mindset: Conquering the Fear of Failure

Master your Mindset: Conquering the Fear of Failure

Failure is a normal part of the learning process. But it can be paralyzing if you let it be. In this video, I'll share with you the mindset change strategies that have helped me overcome the fear of failure. By implementing these strategies into your life, you'll be able to successfully overcome the fear of failure and become a more successful individual !

Master your Mindset: Conquering the Fear of Failure

Failure is a normal part of the learning process. But it can be paralyzing if you let it be. In this video, I'll share with you the mindset change strategies that have helped me overcome the fear of failure. By implementing these strategies into your life, you'll be able to successfully overcome the fear of failure and become a more successful individual !
10+ Ways I Use My iPadđŸ“± most-used apps

10+ Ways I Use My iPadđŸ“± most-used apps

I tried it - just wanted to share it with you guys.

10+ Ways I Use My iPadđŸ“± most-used apps

I tried it - just wanted to share it with you guys.
57 Years Apart - A Boy And a Man Talk About Life

57 Years Apart - A Boy And a Man Talk About Life

Act normal, don’t be silly, don’t bully lots of people'

57 Years Apart - A Boy And a Man Talk About Life

Act normal, don’t be silly, don’t bully lots of people'
Best self

Best self


Best self

How to Get Away With Murder

How to Get Away With Murder

Die hochintelligente Strafrechtsverteidigerin und Juraprofessorin Annalise Keating wird mit fĂŒnf ihrer Studenten in einen heiklen Mordfall verwickelt.

How to Get Away With Murder

Die hochintelligente Strafrechtsverteidigerin und Juraprofessorin Annalise Keating wird mit fĂŒnf ihrer Studenten in einen heiklen Mordfall verwickelt.
Neuroscientist Answers Illusion Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Neuroscientist Answers Illusion Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED


Pascal Wallisch, NYU Professor of Psychology and Data Science, answers the internet's burning questions about illusions. What is motion-induced blindness? How do mirages happen? What's the explanation for "The Dress"? How did they make the Tupac hologram? Pascal answers all these questions and much more!

Neuroscientist Answers Illusion Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Pascal Wallisch, NYU Professor of Psychology and Data Science, answers the internet's burning questions about illusions. What is motion-induced blindness? How do mirages happen? What's the explanation for "The Dress"? How did they make the Tupac hologram? Pascal answers all these questions and much more!
Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

We don’t always see the potential in small beginnings, but God does. In Zechariah 4:10, the Bible tells us not to despise small beginnings because the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. In this message, you’ll learn how to begin creating habits that will change your life. ABOUT THIS MESSAGE Few things in life are more frustrating than knowing you need to change, trying to change, but not actually changing. It’s possible to find The Power to Change so you can start living the life you want.

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

We don’t always see the potential in small beginnings, but God does. In Zechariah 4:10, the Bible tells us not to despise small beginnings because the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. In this message, you’ll learn how to begin creating habits that will change your life. ABOUT THIS MESSAGE Few things in life are more frustrating than knowing you need to change, trying to change, but not actually changing. It’s possible to find The Power to Change so you can start living the life you want.
Being You Unapologetically: The Art of Self-discovery, Confidence & Authenticity

Being You Unapologetically: The Art of Self-discovery, Confidence & Authenticity

Being ‘yourself’ is much easier said than done. We’re not only bombarded with media that tells us what we should aspire to, but some of us carry the scars of bullying or labels which have made us insecure about our personalities, interests, and perspectives. So how do you go about (re)discovering who you truly are without everyone else’s opinions? That’s exactly what we’ll be discussing today; how exactly do you navigate the journey of self-discovery? And how do you confidently embrace your true and authentic self?

Being You Unapologetically: The Art of Self-discovery, Confidence & Authenticity

Being ‘yourself’ is much easier said than done. We’re not only bombarded with media that tells us what we should aspire to, but some of us carry the scars of bullying or labels which have made us insecure about our personalities, interests, and perspectives. So how do you go about (re)discovering who you truly are without everyone else’s opinions? That’s exactly what we’ll be discussing today; how exactly do you navigate the journey of self-discovery? And how do you confidently embrace your true and authentic self?
Former CIA Chief of Disguise Answers Spy Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Former CIA Chief of Disguise Answers Spy Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Jonna Mendez, former CIA Chief of Disguise, answers the internet's burning questions about spying. How many CIA assets are in Ukraine right now? Do spies get acting lessons? How do spies get recruited? Do spies get to choose their own code names? Jonna answers all these questions and much more!

Former CIA Chief of Disguise Answers Spy Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Jonna Mendez, former CIA Chief of Disguise, answers the internet's burning questions about spying. How many CIA assets are in Ukraine right now? Do spies get acting lessons? How do spies get recruited? Do spies get to choose their own code names? Jonna answers all these questions and much more!
Dr. Eben Alexander On Afterlife

Dr. Eben Alexander On Afterlife

A powerful and profound stories on death, the afterlife, and NDE. Featuring Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander. Follow T&H for more thought provoking content “ “My experience showed me that the death of the body and the brain are not the end of consciousness, that human experience continues beyond the grave.” ― Dr. Eben Alexander

Dr. Eben Alexander On Afterlife

A powerful and profound stories on death, the afterlife, and NDE. Featuring Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander. Follow T&H for more thought provoking content “ “My experience showed me that the death of the body and the brain are not the end of consciousness, that human experience continues beyond the grave.” ― Dr. Eben Alexander
Bonhoeffers Theorie der Dummheit

Bonhoeffers Theorie der Dummheit

Dietrich Bonhoeffer ist der Meinung, dass dumme Menschen gefĂ€hrlicher sind als böse. Denn wĂ€hrend wir gegen böse Menschen protestieren oder sie bekĂ€mpfen können, sind wir gegen dumme Menschen wehrlos - Argumente stoßen auf taube Ohren. Bonhoeffers berĂŒhmter Text, den wir fĂŒr dieses Video leicht bearbeitet haben, dient jeder freien Gesellschaft als Warnung davor, was passieren kann, wenn bestimmte Menschen zu viel Macht erlangen.

Bonhoeffers Theorie der Dummheit

Dietrich Bonhoeffer ist der Meinung, dass dumme Menschen gefĂ€hrlicher sind als böse. Denn wĂ€hrend wir gegen böse Menschen protestieren oder sie bekĂ€mpfen können, sind wir gegen dumme Menschen wehrlos - Argumente stoßen auf taube Ohren. Bonhoeffers berĂŒhmter Text, den wir fĂŒr dieses Video leicht bearbeitet haben, dient jeder freien Gesellschaft als Warnung davor, was passieren kann, wenn bestimmte Menschen zu viel Macht erlangen.
Timing Is Everything - Bishop T.D. Jakes

Timing Is Everything - Bishop T.D. Jakes

Do you have seed in the ground? As you wait to reap your harvest, understand the planting process is very much about timing. We want to see the fruit of our labor immediately, but the greatest things in life take time. Seeds grow down and then up. While your seed is in process, it won’t be exempt from the presence of bad, but the enemy cannot curse what God has blessed. Hold on a little while longer — you’re coming into your harvest season, and you have to believe timing is everything!

Timing Is Everything - Bishop T.D. Jakes

Do you have seed in the ground? As you wait to reap your harvest, understand the planting process is very much about timing. We want to see the fruit of our labor immediately, but the greatest things in life take time. Seeds grow down and then up. While your seed is in process, it won’t be exempt from the presence of bad, but the enemy cannot curse what God has blessed. Hold on a little while longer — you’re coming into your harvest season, and you have to believe timing is everything!